Global Talent Stream (GTS)

The Global Talent Stream is a program designed for skilled workers to immigrate to Canada. The program was first introduced on June 12, 2017. Quebec launched its program on September 12, 2017, under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program. This program helps Canadian employers to hire a diverse workforce and attract foreign talent. The global talent stream has been designed to create jobs in Canada and hire skilled workers as soon as possible by shortening processing times. Under this program, skilled workers can expect their visa and work permits to be processed within two weeks’ time. The Global Talent Stream Program has two categories.

Categories of the Global Talent Stream (GTS)

There are two categories for the GTS, Category A, and Category B.

1. Category A:

  • Foreign workers must possess a specialized/unique talent such as (a) advanced knowledge of the industry they are applying to (b) hold a highly paid position of up to $80,000.
  • Foreign workers must hold an advanced degree in an area of specialization of interest for the employer.
  • In case a foreign employer does not hold an advanced degree he/she must have specialized experience of a minimum of 5 years.

Category A: List of ESDC Designated Partners as of August 13, 2018

  • Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency
  • BC Tech Association
  • Business Development Bank of Canada
  • Canadian Economic Development for Quebec Regions
  • City of Hamilton’s Economic Development Office
  • Communitech Corporation
  • Council of Canadian Innovators
  • Economic Development Winnipeg
  • Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
  • Global Affairs Canada’s Trade Commissioner Service
  • Government of Alberta, Alberta Labour
  • Government of British Columbia, Ministry of Jobs, Trade, and Technology
  • Government of Manitoba, Manitoba Education, and Training
  • Government of Ontario, Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation, and Trade – Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program
  • Government of Ontario, Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation, and Trade – Ontario Investment Office
  • Government of Prince Edward Island, Island Investment Development Inc.
  • Government of Saskatchewan, Ministry of Immigration and Career Training – Employer Services Branch
  • Halifax Partnership
  • ICT Association of Manitoba (ICTAM)
  • Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada — Accelerated Growth Service
  • Invest Ottawa
  • London Economic Development Corporation
  • MaRS Discovery District
  • National Research Council — Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP)
  • Privy Council Office, Special Projects Team
  • Vancouver Economic Commission
  • Venn Innovation
  • Waterloo Region Economic Development Corporation

2. Category B:

For Category B employers must hire foreign workers from the following occupations:

National Occupations Classification Code (NOC) 



Computer and information systems managers


Database analysts and data administrators


 Software engineers and designers


Computer programmers and interactive media developers


Web designers and developers


Computer network technician


 Information systems testing technicians

Sub-set of 5131 

Producer, technical, creative, and artistic director and project manager – Visual effects and video game. The position requires a minimum of five years of experience in the visual effects, video game, or animation industries.

Sub-set of 5241

Digital Media and Design: The position requires a minimum of five years of experience in at least media design skills.

Quebec Designated Partners

  1. Investissement Quebec
  2. Montréal International
  3. Québec International
  4. L’Association québécoise des technologies

Key Components of the Global Talent Stream (GTS)

  • Processing Times for work permit applications and Canada visa applications is two weeks. 
  • Services for Canadian Companies that aim to create jobs in Canada.
  • Work permit requirement for short-term highly skilled work/brief academic stays (30 days or less in a 12-month period) waived off.
  • Companies will have access to the new streamlined application which includes 

(i)    A client-focused service that guides employers through the process with the development of the Labor Market Benefits Plan.
(ii)    The eligibility for work permits applications to be processed within 10 days.

Requirements for the Global Talent Stream (GTS)

The following conditions must be met to hire and apply through the Global Talent Stream:

  1. Employers must comply with the Program requirements of the Global Talent Stream. All conditions and rules of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations & Immigration and Refugee Protection Act must be met and followed. These rules must be followed when hiring a temporary foreign worker. 
  2. Employers must comply with the Temporary Foreign Work Program regulations. In failure to do so, employers may face consequences.
  3. Employers must choose employees out of Category A or Category B.
  4. Employers applying to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) must supply documents along with their Labor Market Impact Assessment application and Global Talent Stream application to ensure business legitimacy.
  5. Employers must first try to employ workers from Canada as they will be questioned of potential interviews conducted before hiring a foreign worker. 

Business Legitimacy and Global Talent Stream (GTS)

As business legitimacy documents are required for all streams of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP), similarly employers have to demonstrate the legitimacy and authenticity of their business by submitting miscellaneous business documents under Global Talent Stream (GTS) as well, in order to establish the legitimacy of their business and the job which is offered to the foreign worker.

Labor Market Benefits Plan:

Employers applying to the Global Talent Stream for the first time must submit a labor Market Benefits Plan. This plan demonstrates how the employer can benefit the Canadian labor market by hiring a foreign worker. The application must state mandatory benefits along with complimentary benefits depending upon which category the worker is to be hired in. The complimentary benefits cannot be as same the mandatory benefits. In general, a minimum of 2 complimentary benefits with at least 1 activity for each benefit must be achieved. For instance, an employee hired for category A must state how this employment will increase job creation for Canadians. For category B, the proposed employment must show how it will increase skills and training investment for Canadians. Other benefits that must be included in the Labor Market Benefits plan are:

  • Job Creation
  • Investment in training and skills
  • Knowledge transfer
  • An increased workplace diversity
  • Increased company efficiency
  • Favorable company policies and practices.


The wages offered to temporary foreign workers must be similar to the wages offered to Canadian workers with the same expertise. 
In order to apply under GTS, the employer is required to pay the current prevailing wage which is defined as the highest of either:

  • The up-to-date regional median hourly wage as posted on Job Bank.
  • The wage that is within the wage range that is being paid to current employees hired for the same job and work location and with the same skills and years of experience.
  • For Category A, for the first 2 unique and specialized positions requested by an employer and approved by the TFW Program per calendar year, at least $38.46 per hour, amounts to a base salary of at least $80,000 annually. Any additional unique and specialized positions requested by the employer and approved by the TFW Program per calendar under Category A should be at least $72.11 per hour, which amounts to a base salary of at least $150,000 annually.
  • For Category B, for occupations with wage floors, employers must offer the hourly wage rate at a minimum. 
  • The employer must adjust wages where applicable and annually. The wages must be justified according to the requirements of the position. In general, the wages should cover:
  • Overtime
  • Tips
  • Benefits
  • Bonuses
  • Commissions and compensations

Job Duties and Working conditions:

The temporary foreign workers hired through the Temporary Foreign Worker Program must only perform duties that correspond to the occupation they were hired for. The Canadian law protects all workers in Canada including temporary foreign workers. The exploitation of temporary foreign workers is considered a serious violation of Canadian laws and human rights. According to the provincial and territorial legislation, the labor and employment standard must include:

  • Working hours including overtime.
  • Compensation
  • Working conditions
  • Workplace safety
  • Termination of employment

How to Apply for GTS:

In order to apply under GTS, the following steps must be taken:

  1. Download the Global Talent Stream Application. The application must include the following:
  • Global Talent Stream application form (EMP5624). The latest version should be used.
  • Annex-1 (EMP5625) if applicable
  • Proof of business legitimacy
  1. Complete and sign the application.
  2. Submit application fees.
  3. Send in the application with all requisite documents.

Global Talent Stream (GTS) Processing Fees:

  • The processing fee for the Global Talent Stream is $1000 for each position applied.
  • The fee has to be paid in Canadian dollars via Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Certified Check to the Receiver General for Canada, Money Order, or a Bank Draft.
  • The Processing Fee is non-refundable. Refunds are only issued in case of an error in fee collection.
  • The processing fee is not to be paid or recovered by the temporary foreign workers.

Processing Times of Global Talent Stream (GTS) applications

The Global talent stream applications take up to 10 business days to process. If the employers’ application is successful, they will receive a positive Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) which will allow the foreign worker to apply for a work permit.

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